
I have a degree in Spanish and computer science teaching from Brigham Young University. I love teaching, and feel that it is a noble and important responsibility. I enjoy teaching and learning and feel that being a lifetime learner is a valuable skill.

Business & Computer Science Teacher

August 1, 2021
May 1, 2022

As a business and computer science teacher at Lyman High School, I've had the incredible opportunity to work with high school students to learn practical career skills. I've developed a new high school program and curriculum for the business, computer science, and STEM department. This curriculum includes classes and skills that were previously not offered at the school.

Spanish/Computer Science Teaching Degree

December 1, 2018

I graduated from Brigham Young University in December of 2018 with a degree in Spanish Teaching with a minor in Computer Science Teaching. To get to this point, I took many courses on pedagogy including:

  • Exploration of Teaching Foreign Languages
  • Multi Cultural Education
  • Educating Students with Disabilities
  • Teaching Methods 1
  • Teaching Methods in Technology Education
  • Teaching Methods 2
  • Teaching K-12 in Online/Blended Learning Environments
  • Practicum in Teaching Spanish
  • Adolecent Development & Classroom Management
  • Student Teaching

Student Teacher

September 1, 2018
December 1, 2018

I worked as a student teacher for 14 weeks. During this time, I designed new curriculum and assessments for Spanish and computer science classes. I taught and managed classes with over 40 students and developed a new classroom management system. I presented this system to other teachers in PLC (professional learning community) meetings.

Leader and Trainer

March 1, 2013
March 1, 2015

During a two year mission in Peru, I led a team of volunteer representatives. I conducted weekly training meetings and motivated team members to meet key indicators and goals. During this time, I learned a lot about what it means to be a leader. I worked really hard to lead by example, and create good rapport with my team members. In the end, I probably learned as much from them as they did from me.